نظام غذائي لعلاج مشاكل الجهاز الهضمي

المعدة بيت الداء..وسبب المرض..يمكن للانسان أن يصاب بتلبك معوى..أو مغص يعقبه اسهال أو امساك..وذلك نتيجة لأكلة ملوثة، أو لسهر طويل أو نتيجة للتعرض الطويل للمروحة وجهاز التكييف.
هذا المغص..وهذه الحموضة سرعان ما تزول..اذا ابتعدنا عن السبب وتناولنا مشروبات ساخنة خفيفة من ينسون وكراوية ونعناع وحلبة وشمر وكركدية وغيرها.
وهذا ما نفعله من الأطفال الرضع..اذا كانوا يعانون من مغص أو انتفاخات. ومعروف أن الغشاء المخاطى المبطن للقناة الهضمية كلها( من أول الشفاه واللثة واللسان مرورا بالمرئ والمعدة والاثنى عشر وبقية الأمعاء الرفيعة والقولون)..يجدد نفسه باستمرار بطريقة سريعة جدا. معنى هذا أن القرحة اذا تكونت..وبعدنا عن الاسباب..فانها سرعان ما تلتئم !
- لكن المشكلة فى زماننا أننا لا نبتعد عن أسباب تقرحا المعدة و القولون..فالتدخين أهم أسباب القرح..لا يمكن لصاحبه أن يقلع عنه الا بمعجزة! وتناول اللحوم الحمراء والدهون واللحوم المصنعة والمخللات من أسباب القرح والحموضة وقد أكثر الناس منها.
- وطريقة طهى الطعام (المسبك) تجعله معقدا ومسببا للأمراض..وهذا المسبك موجود حتى فى المستشفيات ..فضلا عن البيوت. والقهوة والكولا والشيكولاتة والحلويات والمخبوزات والماء المثلج والأدوية ( وخاصة المسكنات والمضادات الحيوية) كلها تسبب قرح للمعدة والمعاء! والعجيب أننى رأيت العديد من الحالات فى الرعاية المركزة..تعانى من نزيف فى المعدة…
وتتقيآ دم بسبب الأدوية والمسكنات..لأن المعدة عندهم انثقبت من كثرة الأدوية PERFORATED PEPTICULUCERE.
ولم تعد المشكلة عند المرضى وحدهم.. بل المشكلة أصبحت فى الأطباء أيضا..
فالمريض يشتكى قرحة فى أمعائه وحموضة..والطبيب يكتب المسكنات والمضادات الحيوية..ويتكرم فيكتب مضادات للحموضة..ويظن بذلك أن القرح سوف تلتئم!
من هنا لم نجد قرحة معدة قد التأمت؟ وبالعكس.. يطول الزمن فى العلاج ومن المرضى من يعانى القرحة منذ عشر سنوات؟ ومنهم أكثر…وبدأ الناس يكرهون الدواء..من طول استعماله وغلو ثمنه..وعدم فائدته؟ فهل قرح المعدةوالقولون تلتئم فعلا فى حدود شهر واحد؟ نعم..هذا هو الجديد الذى قدمناه…وبتوفيق الله تعالى.
أوقفنا جميع الأدوية والأطعمة…وما كان ضروريا من الدواء حولناه الى أى صورة أخرى غير الفم (حقن أو لصق جلدى أو لبوس).
وأكرمنا الله سبحانه وتعالى بالتئام القرح المزمنة فى المعدة و القولون فى حدود شهر واحد فقط( بعد معاناة مع الأدوية عمرها عدة سنوات)..
وقدمنا النظام الغذائى الأتى :
أولا: نصف كوب ماء ساخن قبل الاكل أو مشروب الحلبة أو الينسون أو الكراوية أو الشمر أو الشعير…(أى نصف كوب ساخن يمهد للطعام).
ثانيا: لابد من مضغ الطعام جيدا..واعادة المضغ، لأن أكثر المرضى يسرع فى الطعام ..ويبلع بسرعة بدون مضغ! وتكون النتيجة- عسر الهضم وبقاء الطعام فترة طويلة فى الأمعاء دون هضم أو امتصاص..فالبداية مضغ جيد- وعلى مهل.
ثالثا: ممنوع الشبع( نصف آكلة) ..فلابد أن نقوم من الطعام ونحن نشتهيه. فكلما املات المعدة كلما تعسرت فى الهضم وزادت الحموضة واتسعت الفرقة.
رابعا: بعد الأكل هاضم (ماء الشعير أو فاكهة هاضمة ) ومن أفضل الفواكة الهاضمة (كف بطيخ – مائة جرام عنب – ثلاث ثمرات – تين ناضج – ثمرة تفاح – ثمرة رمان حلو- ثمرة باباظ – ثمرة أناناس حقيقي).
خامسا : لانأكل بعد الطعام حلويات مخبوزة فتلك تسبب التعفن في الأمعاء ولا تكثر من الشراب أثناء الأكل .
سادسا : لابد من المشي كل يوم ساعة كاملة حتى يهضم الطعام أسرع ويتحرك في الامعاء فالكسل عدو الأنسان في أي مرحلة سنية .
سابعا: وجد أن هناك بعض العصائر تسرع بالتئام قرح المعدة و القولون وأهمها عصير الرمان الحلو (يقشر الرمان ، ويؤخذ القلب + الحب ويعصر ويصفي منه1/2 كوب محلى قبل الاكل ثلاث مرات) كما ثبت أن سلطة الزبادي (كوب زبادي + فص ثوم مهروس + بقدونس أخضر) من اهن الطعمة الهاضمة، وكذلك مغلى الشعير (ملعقة كبيرة تغلى فى 2كوب ماء لمدة عشر دقائق فقط كذلك نصف ملعقة صغيرة من الخميرة (أو قرص خميرة كل يوم).
ثامنا: يبتعد مريض القرحة تماما عن أسباب القرحة وجميع الأدوية- ويهتم بالمشروبات الساخنة (حتى فى الجو الساخن) ويبتعد كذلك عن المثلجات وهواء المروحة المباشر والتكييف.
تاسعا: كل هذه المشروبات الساخنة تصلح المعدة وتعالج القرحة بدءا من الماء الساخن وكذلك مغلى الكرفس والكزبرة والكمون والبقدونس ومغلى الحلبة والشمر وشراب البردقوش وزهر الليمون والبابونج والينسون والقرفة والكراوية وحبة البركة، واشد التحذير من الأدوية والمسكنات ومضادات الحموضة فكلها لها آثار جانبية مدمرة على الجهاز الهضمى .
عاشرا: اذا كان الأطفال يعانون دائما من سوء الهضم المستمر بسبب الرضاعة الطبيعية من الأم فالمفروض علاج الأم المرضعة وليس علاج الرضيع (الا اذا كان مصدر غذائى خارجى) فبعلاج الأم بالنظام الغذائى الصحيح يتحسن اللبن وبالتالى يتحسن الرضيع.
حادى عشر: نحذر بقوة من الشاى الثقيل والقهوة والكولا وجميع المياه الغازية (عدا ماء الشعير) كما نحذر من زيت حبة البركة الذى يأخده الناس بلا حساب ويسبب قرح الجهاز الهضمى.
ثانى عشر: لابد لمريض الجهاز الهضمى من التأكد من التبرز كل اليوم فالامساك له اضرار كثيرة ولابد من الحرص على الاغذية البسيطة سهلة الهضم من الزبادى وعسل النحل والفول النابت والبليلة والسلاطة الخضراء ومغلى الشعير (مرتين يوميا) وشوربة الخضار الصحيحة (نصف تسوية) وهى لذيذة الطعم .
النظام الغذائي لعلاج مشكلات الجهاز الهضمي
يكون مرض السكر أو مرض الكبد المزمن أو ضعف عضلة القلب أو حتى كثرة الأملاح هى السبب فى مشكلات الجهاز الهضمى..فلابد من التحاليل السابقة لتحديد السبب أولا :
اولآ: علاج المغص والغازات وعسر الهضم :-
1- مضغ ملعقة صغيرة من الشمر او الكمون الصحيح أو الكزبرة ببطء أو فص حبهان قبل الأكل مباشرة- أو مضغ قرن خروب صغير.
2- اي مشروب ساخن قليل السكر من الينسون أو الكمون الصحيح أو الشمرأو الحلبة أو النعناع أو الشعيرأو الكراوية ويمكن وضع عشبين أو ثلاثة معا(مثل الشاي الكشري)والاهم مغلى 3 فصوص حبهان فى كوب ماء قبل الأكل .
3- 2 ملعقة خل اعشاب في 2/1 كوب ماء قبل الأكل.
4- 2 ملعقة كبيرة حلبة نابتة (علي قطن مبلل).
5- 2 ملعقة كبيرة بنجرمسلوق أوخرشوف (يزيد افراز الصفراء 4 مرات)
6- 2/1 ملعقة خميرة بيرة+ كوب سلاطة زبادي(زبادي+فص ثوم مهروس)وتترك 2/1 ساعة قبل الأكل .
7- الفواكة الهاضمة: 100جم عنب-أو كف بطيخ-أو ثمرة رمان-أوثمرة كمثري-أوثمرة تفاح-أو3 تين برشوم- أو اناناس حقيقي أو كريز أو توت أو كوب عصير فاكهة مما سبق(طازج) أو ماء شعير.
8- اي مشروب ساخن يضاف الية نصف ليمونة (بدون عصير)- أو يضاف اليه 2/1 ملعقة زهرليمون أو 4/1 ملعقة زعتر.
نظام الاكل/
9- يشرب2/1 كوب اي مشروب مغلي (مما سبق) قبل الأكل.ويمضغ الأكل جيدا- ويعاد المضغ قبل البلع .ولا يشبع ( نصف اكلة فقط) وبعد الأكل هاضم(مما سبق)
10- المشي كل يوم ساعة يحسن الهضم جدا— وكذلك تدليك البطن نصف ساعة في اتجاة عقارب الساعة مرتين يوميا
11- ممنوع الشبع- وممنوع السهر- والمطلوب حزام عريض للبطن للوقاية من صدمات البرد .
وممنوع اخذ اي دواء غير مكتوب هنا- وممنوع التدخين او الجلوس بجوار مدخن.
وممنوع السكريات والمخللات والدهون واللحوم الحمراء- والفطائر والكولا والببسي والشيكولاتة والمانجو والفراولة والشاي والقهوة والفول والطعمية والماء المثلج وهواء المروحة والاطعمة المحفوظة والرنجة والجبن الرومي.
ثانيا :علاج الحموضة وقرحة المعدة والقولون:
1- أسرعلاج لقرحة المعدة والحموضة هو الابتعاد عن المدخنين- والامتناع عن تناول الادوية والمسكنات والمضادات الحيوية فهي من اهم اسباب قرحة المعدة .
2- مطلوب الامتناع تماما عن اللحوم الحمراء والدهون والمخللات والمسبك والقهوة والشاى والكولا والشيكولاته والمانجو والأطعمة المحفوظة والمخبوزات حتى البقسماط والماء المثلج والتكييف والمروحة - وكل طعام يسبب لك الحموضة.
3- كل هذه الوصفات فعالة جدا في علاج القرحة فاختار منها ما يناسبك .
المهم ابتعد عن اسباب القرحة والادوية :
1- مغلى نصف كوب ماء قبل الأكل بانتظام .
2- عصير الرمان الحلو (2/1 كوب قبل الأكل وبعده) يعالج القرحة في اسبوعين فقط ! مضغ اللبان 1/2 ساعة قبل الاكل 3مرات مهم جدا للهضم .
3- مغلى أو منقوع ملعقة صغيرة لبان دكر فى كوب ماء+ ملعقة خل اعشاب يعالج قرح المعدة والأمعاء — حتى لو فيه نزيف .
4- مغلى 2/1 ملعقة صغيرة بذركتان فى كوب ماء يصب على 4/1 ملعقة راوند مطحون.
5- أي مشروب ساخن مثل: (2/1 ينسون+4/1 قرفة+2/1 كراوية) أو (2/1 بردقوش+4/1 روزماري+2/1حلبة+2/1 شمر)
6- الحبوب النابتة مثل : الشعير والحلبة النابت والقمح النابت والفول النابت
7- مغلى الشعير+الكرفس أو البقدونس (ملعقة كبيرة شعير فى 2كوب ماء تغلى خمس دقائق)
8- راجع جميع علاجات عسر الهضم والمغص (عشربنود + الممنوعات)
9- ممكن 2/1كوب من عصير ورق الكرنب أو عصير البطاطس النية أو ملعقة نشا تذاب فى 2/1 كوب ماء…..
10- ملعقة صغيرة عرقسوس تقلب بقوة فى 4/1 كوب ماء - وتشرب بسرعة - تخفف آلام المعدة فى خمس دقائق وممكن أضافة 1/4 ملعقة رواند مطحون .
11- البروبليس (جرام واحد يوميا) موجود الآن فى صورة أقراص - يعالج القرحة فى اسبوع واحد- بشرط الابتعاد عن الاسباب .
12- الاكثار من تناول الخيار والخس الطازج واللبن الرايب مع مراجعة كل ما سبق.
ثالثا : النزلات المعوية والإسهال (الدوسونتاريا)
1- مركب مضاد طبيعى / كيلو عسل نحل + 5جم صمغ نحل + 5جم حبوب لقاح + 5جم حبة البركة + 5جم زنجبيل – يقلب جيدا – وتؤخذ ملعقة كبيرة كل ساعتين + قطرات من عصير اللمون.
2- مركب لترميم الغشاء المخاطى للأمعاء :
[كيلو عسل نحل + ملعقة عرقسوس + ملعقة بذر كتان مطحون + ملعقة حلبة مطحون + ملعقة حب الرشاد مطحون + ملعقة حنا مطحون + ملعقة كثيرا مطحون] . يقلب جيدا – وتؤخذ ملعقة كبيرة كل 6 ساعات .
3- مشروب ساخن كل 3ساعات محلى بملعقة عسل نحل .. وتوضع فيه نصف ليمونة بقشرها (دون عصر) راجع علاج المغص وعسر الهضم .
4- الثوم المهروس فى كوب الزبادى (3 فصوص فقط ) ينقع قبل الأكل بساعة ويمكن إضافة بصلة مبشورة – أو بصلة نصف تسوية كل 3ساعات .
5- 2/1 ملعقة من قشر الرمان المجفف المطحون .. كل 6 ساعات حتى يتوقف الإسهال .
6- من الممكن علاج الإسهال باستخدام فنجان قهوة أو شاى + 2/1 ليمونة حتى يتوقف الإسهال .
رابعا: علاج الإمساك المزمن :
1- ملعقة عسل نحل مركب + خل أعشاب + 2/1 كوب ماء ساخن قبل الأكل 3 مرات يوميا .
2- ملعقة صغيرة من زيت السمسم أو زيت الزيتون أو زيت بذر كتان قبل الأكل أو توضع على الأكل + عصير نصف ليمونة .
3- [ 2/1 بذر قطونا + 2/1 ملعقة بذر كتان + 2/1 ملعقة حلبة حصى + 2/1 ملعقة شمر] سفوفا أو تغلى خمس دقائق .
4- (4/1 ملعقة راوند + 2/1 ملعقة سنا مطحون + 2/1 ملعقة حلبة حصى + 2/1 شمر) سفوفا أو تغلى خمس دقائق .
5- سلاطة الخضروات (3مرات يوميا ) طازجة فى الحال .( خس وجزر مبشور وبصل مبشور وبقدونس وجرجير وكرافس وخل وزيت) .
6- الفواكة الملينة ( بلح وتين وبطيخ وتوت وعنب ……
7- 2/1 ملعقة خميرة فى كوب سلاطة زبادى .
8- المشى لمدة ساعة يوميا مع تدليك البطن دائريا مع حقنة شرجية يوما بعد يوم .
9- العلاج 1و2و3و4 من علاج الاسهال مهم جدا جدا .
منقولة عن ''دكتور جودة محمد عواد''

احصلي على بطن مسطح في 3 دقائق

هل تريدين أن تحصلي على بطن مسطّح بطريقة سهلة وغير متعبة؟ إذاً، حان الوقت لأن تتعلّمي كيفيّة تحقيقك هذا الهدف من دون عناء. ولهذه الغاية، ننصحك بأن تلجأي إلى التدليك الذاتي الذي يستغرق مدّة لا تزيد على 3 دقائق. لا شكّ في أنّك مستعدّة لأداء هذه المهمة. بالطبع، أنت، مثل الكثيرات، تتوقين إلى أن تخسري الوزن الزائد في منطقة معدتك وأن تزيلي كرشك بأسرع وقت ممكن ومن دون أن تعتمدي في ذلك على الحميات القاسية. وهذا لم يعدّ حلماً صعب التحقيق. فمن خلال قيامك بالتدليك الذاتي لهذه المنطقة، فيما أنت تجلسين في منزلك، يمكنك أن تبلغي هذا الهدف، على أن تتّبعي هذه المراحل الثلاث. المرحلة الأولى: طبقي زيت التدليك قومي بتسخين القليل من أيّ زيت مفيد وضعيه في راحة يدك ثمّ طبقيه على كامل مساحة بطنك بواسطة حركات دائرية بعكس اتجاه عقارب الساعة، من دون أن تنسي خاصرتيك. فهذه العملية تساعد جهازك الهضمي على العمل بشكل أفضل وفعّال. المرحلة الثانية: تمرين التنفّس لكي تطبّقي هذا التمرين، ضعي راحتيّ يديك على مستوى سرّتك وركّزي على طريقة تنفسّك: تنشّقي الهواء إلى أن ينتفخ بطنك ثمّ الفظيه إلى أن يتقلّص حتى حدوده القصوى. المرحلة الثالثة: التدليك المدرّ للبول والمحفّز للمرور المعوي ليس من الصعب أن تقومي بهذا التمرين. ففي هذه الحالة، عليك أن تطبّقي هذه الخطوات: -دلّكي، بواسطة باطن أصابعك وبحركات دائرية، منطقة بطنك بدءًا من ضلوعك. -دّلكي بعد ذلك منطقة محيط سرّتك. فهذا يسمح لك بأن تتخلّصي من التشنّجات المعوية. -دلّكي المنطقة نفسها في الاتجاه المعاكس ثمّ أنّهي العملية بواسطة راحة يدك. -استخدمي ثلاثة من أصابعك لكي تدّلكي أسفل أمعائك وصولاً إلى أعلى القولون ثمّ كرّري العملية نفسها في الاتجاه المعاكس، أيّ عكس اتجاه عقارب الساعة. -أفركي، بواسطة طرفيّ سبابتك وإبهامك، مناطق عدّة من بطنك. فهذه الحركة تساعد على منع تراكم الدهون فيها. وبعد ذلك، أعيدي الجلد إلى وضعيته السابقة بواسطة حدّ يدك. -ربّتي، بواسطة راحة يدك وبلطف، على منطقة بطنك لأنّ هذا يعزّز دورتها الدموية. وأنهي هذه العملية من خلال التدليك بحركات دائرية بحسب اتجاه عقارب الساعة مع التركيز على التنفس بشكل صحيح.



10 Must-know nail tips and hacks on how to do a great manicure at home
Some of us may have the time and money to get their nails done regularly by a professional, but for most this is strictly a home activity. There are hundreds of tips and tricks out there, thousands of shades and colours, and nail designs to try…But there are also many annoying things that could happen, from a broken nail just after you freshly painted it, to smudges and whatnot. Here are ten home manicure tips you need to know:
1. A broken nail 
That’s perhaps the worst thing that can happen. Unfortunately, if you’ve just painted your nails, you’ll have to remove the polish before fixing the nail but you can paint it afterwards. You need a small piece of a paper teabag and some nail glue. After smoothing the break with a file, put a drop of glue on it and press the paperbag piece over it. After it dries, paint the nail.
2. Quick drying
If you don’t have time to wait until your polish has dried naturally, just dip your hands in a bowl of icy water. It hurts, that’s true, but if you’re late and need to go out in five minutes, that’s your solution. Just a couple of minutes in the icy water and your nails will be nice and dry. Take breaks, so you don’t freeze your fingers!
3. Make your own glittery polish
If you can’t decide on a glittery nail polish, why not make your own? Just pop down to the nearest craft shop, get some glitter and then pour some in a bottle of clear topcoat. Shake and apply. You can also use glittery eyeshadow instead of glitter.

4. Make cleaning easier with Vaseline
Few of us have the steady hand of a pro, so we make mistakes, which then need cleaning. It’s a tough job and can mess up the whole nail, so to make it easier, rub some Vaseline around your nail before starting with the painting. Afterwards it will be much easier to remove anything that’s gone outside the nail’s limits.
5. Neon on white
If you want your neon polish to be brighter, first put a white base coat. It will really make the neon colour stand out wonderfully. And if you want dots to go with that, make your own dotter by simply sticking a pin into the eraserhead of a pencil, then dot away.
6. Vinegar for longer-lasting polish 
That’s right, if you want your nail polish to stay on your fingers longer, rub some vinegar into your nails before painting, then wait for it to dry and paint them. Don’t worry about the smell, it will evaporate soon enough.
7. Strengthen the polish with two base coats
To avoid that irritating chipping at the top of the nails, when applying base coat add a second layer only on the top half of the nails, making sure it goes over the edge. This will seal the polish and prevent, or at least delay, the chipping.
8. User a rubber band for a French manicure

If you want an easy French manicure, use a wide rubber band and loop it over each nail in turn, with the other end held on your thumb. This will help you avoid the messiness and the mistakes. If the band is too long, tie it in the middle.
9. Old, wet eyeshadow brush can smooth a smudge
If you’ve just painted your nails and touched a nail to something that’s smudged the polish, you can fix it with an old, flat, soft, wet eyeshadow brush (don’t use your most expensive one though), some people even lick the spot to fix it, but we wouldn’t recommend it. Nail polish doesn’t taste nice!
10. Get rid of the stubborn glitter in five minutes
Removing a glittery polish can be a hassle, which you can spare yourself. Soak cotton pads in nail polish remover, put them on your nails and fix them in place by wrapping each one in a piece of tin foil. Leave this on your fingers for five minutes, then remove.




10 Natural Cold Remedies
Although the common cold can’t actually kill us, many of us completely shut down whenever we catch one.
Especially guys. Although guys might claim to be tough and macho, as soon as they catch a cold they fall to pieces.
“I’m dying!” they wail while blowing their nose for dramatic effect. “I can’t breathe!”
Admittedly, colds are awful. They leave you feeling tired and miserable, and prevent you from being at your best. Symptoms usually include headaches, coughs, runny noses, sore throats, aching muscles and bones and a high fever.
And while you should certainly never ignore the advice of your doctor, we’ve got 10 natural cold remedies right here that work a treat. Let’s take a look!
Chicken Soup

Has there even been more popular natural cold remedies? Probably not. My grandmother used to swear by chicken soup’s effectiveness. Whenever one of us got the cold as kids, she would run into the kitchen shouting “Chicken soup! Chicken soup!”
Okay, she wasn’t that dramatic, but you get the picture. She insisted that chicken soup was the only way to banish a cold.
And it’s true, chicken soup actually really works for treating the common cold. It’s packed with nutrients and vitamins that speed up the healing process. Better still, it tastes great.
You can buy chicken soup from a supermarket in either tinned or power form, but you can also make your own if you’re feeling up to it (or you can ask your mom!).
Dieticians and nutritionists say that we should aim to eat garlic at least once a week. Why? Because garlic stuffed with beneficial nutrients that keep us healthy.
Garlic can also save the day when you’ve go a cold. Thanks to its anti-viral and antibacterial properties, garlic boosts your immune system, flushes cold-ridden toxins out of your system, and opens up your narrowed respiratory passages.
For one of effective natural cold remedies, simply, mix together a crushed garlic clove with 1 teaspoon of honey, 2 teaspoons of lemon juice an half a teaspoon of cayenne pepper. Drunk each day until the cold goes away.
Alternatively, you can add raw garlic to your food and drinks each day.

Honey is definitely an acquired taste, and not everyone likes it. But as well as making for a fantastic substitute for sugar, honey also helps to kick a niggling cold.
Honey targets a sore throat, soothing things up so that it no longer feels like you’re swallowing razor blades. This is because nature’s greatest sweetener is stuffed with enzymes and nutrients that double down on bacteria and viruses.
The easiest way to make one of natural cold remedies is to mix together 2 teaspoons of honey with a single teaspoon of lemon juice. Drink this once every two hours for best (and immense) results.
Essential Oils
Essential oils are also part of natural cold remedies, and they are amazing. In my house, essential oils are our first line of defence against pretty much any niggling physical ailment you can think of.
And they’re especially potent when it comes to treating the common cold.
There are many different types of essential oils available, but among the best are thieves, peppermint and eucalyptus oils. Dab them on your pyjamas before bed, diffuse them into the air, or add them to your bath.
Elderberries are wondrous. They taste divine and can cure a number of ailments. Unfortunately, not everyone is aware of their magic. This is a shame because if you eat more elderberries, you essentially optimise your health.
Elderberries contain very special chemicals which can reduce mucous membrane swellings – for example, sinuses. These chemicals can also eliminate nasal congestion and boost the strength of your immune system.
If you dislike eating whole elderberries, try elderberry juice instead.
Spice Tea
People in the East have been relying on spice tea to alleviate symptoms associated with the common cold for a number of years now – and for good reason. It’s hugely effective and works quickly to eliminate bacteria from your body.
Making this remedy will take a bit of time, so you will need to rouse yourself from the comfort of your blanket for a good few minutes. It will be well worth it, though.
Grind and dry roast a handful of coriander sees, along with a pinch of fennel seeds and cumin, as well as small handful of fenugreek seeds.
Then, boil a cup of water before adding a half tbsp of your spice powder to one and a half tsp of candy rock.
Simmer for up to five minutes before adding 2 tbsp of milk and bringing to the boil.
Then, strain and sip before it cools.
Drink spice tea each day for best results.
Salt Water Gargle
Lots of people are wary of trying this one because swallowing salt water can be harmful. But gargling it can relieve a nasty sore throat almost instantly.
Ginger has marvellous benefits on our digestive system, but it also works its magic when the common cold swings around. This is because it is loaded with anti-inflammatory and anti-viral properties.
For one of the most effective natural cold remedies, all you need to do is eat raw ginger a few times each day.
If you don’t think you can stomach that, you can instead drink a few cups of ginger tea a day.
For better results, add a pinch of honey or lemon juice to the tea.
Cod Liver Oil
Cod liver oil was another trick my grandmother swore by. I always thought it sounded really old fashioned, but I still rely on it when I feel under the weather.
Cod liver oil is special because it’s rich in vitamin D, an essential vitamin which is otherwise hard to find via your diet. And when you’ve got a cold, your body needs more vitamin D to get your immune system back into shape.
A Better Diet
It goes without saying that eating better while you’ve got a cold will speed up the healing process. If you eat junk, it’s going to take you a whole lot longer to get better than it really should.
Optimal nutrition equals better health. It’s simple. So why wouldn’t you stuff your face with fruit and vegetables during your body’s hour of need? It’s counting on you. Don’t let it down!




10 Amazing Natural Remedies For Period Pain
Guys say that the male equivalent of giving birth is being booted in the testicles. Oh yeah? So what’s the equivalent of monthly period pain?
Although having a period is entirely natural, it’s also very painful for a lot of women, both physically and emotionally. With all the discomfort, cramping and outright pain that comes with it, all you fancy doing is lying down, curling up and praying for it all to end.
And the worst thing is that you know exactly when it’s coming. And there is nothing you can do about it.
… Or is there?
There IS!
Over-the-counter painkillers can certainly help to alleviate period pain. But they’re not always the best things for your body. Moreover, they’re not natural. Instead, let’s take a look at 10 amazing natural remedies for period pain.

Exercising being in the list of natural remedies for period pain might seem counter productive; exercising is probably the last thing you want to do as you clutch your stomach from all the pain.
“Exercise? Are you crazy!?”
I hear you. But hear me out.
Any type of physical activity right now is not going to exacerbate your pain. In fact, it’s going to relive it. Sounds silly?
Listen to this: When we engage in physical exercise, our body pumps more blood. More blood means that we release more endorphins. More endorphins means less cramps. It’s like a domino effect, with the end result being that you feel a lot more comfortable than you did before you exercised.
You don’t have to hit the gym like a beast. Just a brisk walk can be enough to alleviate pain and make you feel a whole lot better.
Eat Better
Eating more vegetables and cutting down on fat while you’re on your period can go some way to easing your menstrual cramps. Less fat in your body means less inflammation, which means less pain.
The good thing about adopting a better diet during your period is that you might be encouraged to stick to it all-year round. This will not only reduce the amount of pain you suffer from during a period, but it might also prevent pain altogether.

Apply Heat
The reason you’re suffering from so much pain right now is because the muscles in your uterus are contracting. When muscles contract, they cause a LOT of pain. And unfortunately, the muscles in your uterus contract once every month. Not cool.
Applying heat is another one of amazing natural remedies for period pain. You can purchase over-the-counter heat pads to alleviate pain, with ThermaCare being our top pick. Alternatively, you can fill up your hot water bottle (or any plastic bottle) with hot water before applying to your sore abdomen.
Drink Water – Avoid Caffeine
Caffeine can cause your muscles to contract more. Water, meanwhile, is the most natural substance on the planet. Swap coffee for water during your period as the former will increase blood flow and can relax tense muscles.
Vitamin B1 or Fish Oil
Fish oil or vitamin B1 should become staple points of your diet during your monthly war with your period. According to a study published in the Global Journal of Health Science, girls who consumed more fish oil and vitamin B1 during their period experience a massive relief in pain.
Chamomile Tea
Tea is another one of fabulous natural remedies for period pain. There are a great variety of teas available that benefit our body in different ways. Ginger tea, for example, can relieve indigestion, while green tea gives us a boost in energy.
And chamomile tea is your go-to brew if you want to ward off period pain.

One study showed that women who drink more chamomile tea produce more hippurate in their body, a natural anti-inflammatory which soothes the symptoms and pains associated with menstrual cramps.
Eat More Herbs
When you’re menstruating, more prostaglandins are released in your body, which exacerbate inflammation. Herbs. meanwhile, contain anti-inflammatory properties which interfere with the production of prostaglandins, and therefore reduce your period pain.
Get More Vitamin D
Vitamin D doesn’t just relive your symptoms – it can also prevent them from even occurring in the first place. Now, isn’t that what we all want?!
The problem is that many of us just don’t have enough vitamin D in our system. Why? Because vitamin D is very hard to get from our diet. Moreover, if you live in perpetually cold and wet country like myself, it’s also very difficult to get it from the sun!
It’s important that you find ways of getting more vitamin D from your diet in order to starve off painful menstrual cramps. You can find vitamin D from foods including:
  • Egg yolks
  • Cheese
  • Liver
  • Tuna
  • Salmon
  • Mackerel
The Chinese have been relying on acupuncture to treat numerous common ailments for centuries. Indeed, it’s actually a key part of traditional Chinese medicine. Essentially, your skin is pricked with small needles in certain points to stimulate your body. It might not sound very pleasant, but it’s highly effective.
And it is one of great natural remedies for period pain.
A study carried out in South Korea found that out of the 944 women who were treated with acupuncture to relive menstrual cramps, most noticed an improvement in pain relief.
Sleep More
Finally, perhaps the easiest thing to do if you’re trying to fend off period pain is to sleep more.
As you’ll probably have noticed, sleep tends to heal your body. When we go to sleep with aches or pains, we more often than not wake up without them. This is thanks to our body’s remarkable powers of healing and recovery, which it puts to good use when you’re taking a snooze.
So, curl up in bed and relax your body.



10 Makeup tips to make your eyes look bigger
Whether you want to make your small eyes look larger or you want to make your eyes really pop, there is a number of makeup techniques that will do that for you. None of them are particularly completed, but like all good make-up, it may take a bit of practice to perfect them. There is nothing you can do about the actual size of the eyes you were born with, but you can do a lot to make them look larger. Here are ten makeup tips that will show how to make your eyes look wide awake and much bigger.
1. Keep your eyebrows in shape
Regular eyebrow maintenance will help keep the focus on your eyes and make your eyes stand out more. You can have bold eyebrows and still make your eyes the centre of attention, just make sure you keep your brows well-trimmed and they’ll have a natural looking shape. If you let them get unruly, they will make your eyes look smaller and people will notice your brows more than they notice your eyes.
2. Curl your lashes
You can open up your eyes and make them look bigger by paying some attention to your lashes too. Curl your lashes with an eyelash curler and use mascara to really give you that wide awake look. You can make your lashes curl better if you warm the eyelash curlers up a little bit with a blow dryer before you use them. The curl will last longer too, if you do that.
3. Conceal dark circles
Dark circles under the eyes will make you look tired and they will make your eyes look smaller, so use a concealer to brighten up that area of skin. The best shade of concealer to cover dark circles will be one that has undertones of the opposite colour to the discoloration. For most people, that will mean a shade of orange, like salmon, peach, or coral.

4. Use eyeliner on only half of your lash line 
There are quite a few ways that you can use eyeliner to make your eyes look bigger and you will have to experiment to find which technique works the best for you. One thing to try is applying eyeliner to only the outside half of your lash line. This can be done on the upper and lower lash line or just the lower. What works the best will depend on the shape of your eye.
5. White eyeliner
This is one of the oldest tricks on how to make your eyes look bigger and one that you will see many models on the runways using. Applying a small amount of white eyeliner to the inner corners of your eyes will make the whites of your eyes look whiter and your eyes look bigger.
6. Emphases the middle of your eyes
You can make your eyes look wider by thinking about how you place your eyeshadow. The trick that makeup artists use is that they concentrate eyeshadow on the middle section of the eyelids and they then blend it outwards to the edges. That has the effect of emphasising the eyes and making them look wider.
7. Add shimmer to the inner corners of your eyes
You can also add more light to the inner corners of your eyes with a little bit of shimmer and that will draw attention to that area if the eyes and make your eyes look larger. You don’t need a lot of shimmer to make this work, just enough so that it catches the light every now and then.
8. Use eyeshadow to its best effect

Think about how you place your eyeshadow as much as you think about the shade that you use.  For example, if you make your eyeshadow go all the way up to the outer edges of the crease in in your eyelids, it will make the eyes look a lot bigger. Experiment with the placement of eyeshadow as well the other tips we have given you here.
9. Make colours pop more
Washed out colours have the appearance of a shadow and so they will make the eyes look smaller. To get the very best colour out of your eye makeup, apply a matte nude eye shadow first and then apply the coloured eyeshadow on top of it. The nude eyeshadow will create the perfect base and make the coloured eyeshadow really stand out, which will make your eyes look more awake.
10. Experiment with mixing colours of eyeshadow
You can open eyes and make them look bigger by applying a lighter shade of eyeshadow in the inner corners of your eyelids. This works in the same way as using white eyeliner in the inner corners. Choose colour that compliment the natural colour of your eyes and choose the lighter shades. You could also try a small dab of white eyeshadow in the inner corners and see of that makes your eyes look bigger.



10 Shoe tips, tricks and hacks every girl needs to know
Flat ones, high ones, black ones and open ones; there are so many variations of shoes, it’s no wonder that we love them and most of us have a good sized collection of shoes. Shoes can add a new dimension to an outfit and make us feel great, but, shoes do bring their own set of problems with them too. They get scuffed and chipped, they can be difficult to store, and they also can be pretty uncomfortable to wear sometimes too. If you are a shoe addict, here are ten amazing shoe tips, tricks and hacks every girl needs to know.
1. Stretch new shoes to fit
Wearing in a new pair of shoes can leave you with sore feet and even blisters sometimes. You can easily stretch a new pair of shoes, and make them softer to wear, by placing a freezer bag filled with water in each one and leaving the shoes in the freezer overnight. The water will expand when it freezes and it will stretch the shoes out a little bit for you.
2. Always try on new shoes in the afternoons
Yes, you did read that right and no, it’s not so that you’ll find a bargain! The reason that you should always go shoe shopping in the afternoon is that your feet swell up during the day. So, if you want to get most comfortable fit for your shoes, try them on when your feet are at their largest, which is in the afternoon or in the evening.
3. Remove scuffs with Vaseline
If you get a scuff mark on your shiny patent leather shoes, the best way to remove it is with petroleum jelly. Dip the corner of a cloth into vaseline and then gently rub away at the scuff mark and watch it disappear!

4. Sandpaper the bottom of new shoes
If you are planning on hitting the dance floor in a brand new pair of shoes, then give the soles of the shows a rub with some fine sandpaper before you go out. This will remove the glossy finish on the soles of your shoes and stop you slipping up and making a spectacle of yourself
5. Use teabags to remove bad odours
Anyone’s shoes can get smelly sometimes, especially gym shoes, so here are a couple of tips on how to get rid of odour from shoes. Put a tea bag in each shoe and leave it overnight and the teabags will absorb the smell. You can also sprinkle a little bit of baking soda in your shoes before you put them on and it will help to stop any unpleasant odours developing during the day.
6. Clean suede shoes with bread
If you are unsure how to remove marks from your favourite pair of suede shoes without ruining them, then here’s a simple tip to solve that one. Take the crust from a slice of bread and rub the inside of the crust against the mark on your shoes. It will clean off any marks and scuffs and it won’t damage the suede at all.
7. Clean tennis shoes with nail polish remover
The rubber edges of the soles of tennis shoes and sneakers can soon get covered in scuff marks and stains that can make them look really scruffy and old, even though the uppers of the shoes are perfectly respectable. You can give tennis shoes and sneakers a new lease of life by wiping nail polish around the outer edges of the soles. That will quickly lift any dirt and remove the scuff marks.
8. Break in new shoes in with a hair dryer

To stop new shoes pinching and causing blisters, get out your hair dryer and a thick pair of socks. Put your new shoes on, over the top of your thick socks, and then, wherever you feel the shoes pinching, or they feel too tight, give them a blast with the hair dryer while wiggling your feet around. The heat will soften the leather and hep fit the shoe better to your foot.
9. Use hairspray to stop your feet slipping out of shoes
If your shoes are just that little bit too big for you and you keep slipping out of the front or back of them, spray your feet with a very light coating of hairspray before you put the shoes on. This will make your feet, just sticky enough, to keep your shoes in place on your feet.
10. Use vinegar to remove stains from leather shoes
Here’s a simple way to remove stains from leather shoes. Take an old toothbrush and dip it in vinegar and then gently scrub the stain. Vinegar dissolves most things that you are likely to get in your shoes, but don’t scrub the shoes too hard, or you will be left with a scuff mark instead of the stain.




The question: “How to lose stomach fat?” – interests many… For men and women alike, losing belly fat is one of the most common fitness goals. People are always making resolutions to trim their figures and, along with it, get a toned stomach or perhaps a tummy tuck. Despite the value that people put on this goal, many of them fall short. This is not due to a lack of effort or motivation; it happens, rather, because of a flawed approach. In order to refine your fitness regimen, here is a list of 5 simple tips for trimming belly fat and reaching your fitness goals:
1) Interval Training It’s a common fitness stereotype that doing sit-ups and crunches is the answer to having great abs and a flat stomach. While these types of exercises are great for building your abdominal muscles, they do little for reducing stomach fat. Overloading on crunches is simply building great abdominals that the world will never get to see.
Adding cardiovascular exercises into your routine is the key to reducing any fat that may be covering your stomach muscles. Running, Zumba and jumping rope are examples of exercises and activities that burn fat, while improving your endurance and cardiovascular health. A combination of abdominal exercises and cardio is the key to shedding unwanted fat from your mid-section.
2) Avoiding Sugar
A diet that includes a lot of sugar is detrimental to people looking to lose stomach fat. Soft drinks, sweets and other sugary drinks are all high calorie items that work against your efforts in the gym. Sugary diet results in increased blood sugar levels in your body and leads to excess fat calories being stored, rather than digested or burned.
3) Meal Planning
Not only does the food that you eat impact your fat storage and intake, the timing is important, as well. Eating very large, but rare meals and eating all in one sitting are habits that can lead to increased weight gain and result in fat storage.
In order to speed up you metabolism  — rather than slowing it down — drink a large glass of cold water right before eating your meal. Water will fill up your stomach, so that you won’t eat as much.
Prepare your meals beforehand and make sure you use healthy ceramic cookware. Non-stick pans made with Teflon could have negative effects on your health. Plan and, even, cook your meals beforehand, so that you’ll always have something healthy to eat or snack on, instead of having to rush to a fast food restaurant, when you’re in a crunch. Make sure to include plenty of healthy fruits and veggies into your diet, and don’t neglect the seeds and various natural forms of protein.

4) Get Proper Sleep
Getting enough sleep is an effective and, often, neglected method for halting weight gain and decreasing stomach fat. Certain studies revealed that lack of sleep could contribute to weight gain, an increase in cravings for fatty foods and other health-related issues. Consistency in getting a good night’s rest will help compliment your dietary and physical efforts for losing stomach fat.
5) Avoid skipping your meals and find time to relax.
If you skip meals, your body will start raising cortisol levels, which will only increase your appetite and lead to storing fat, especially in the stomach area.
FOX News’s article on stomach fat cited cortisol levels as one of the most influential factors in determining whether you are losing or gaining fat. When this hormone’s level is too high, it leads to weight gain and other health related issues. Excess cortisol is also said to cause fatigue and an imbalance in your eating habits. In other words, too much of this hormone can impact your efforts to lose weight on all fronts.
In order to keep your cortisol levels out of the picture, avoid skipping meals, find time to relax and consume enough vitamin C everyday. Foods such as oranges, broccoli and spinach are great sources of vitamin C with additional health benefits, as well. While vitamin C can help to reduce cortisol spikes, the most important thing is to reduce stress levels. The more time you can find to relax in your day, the better chance you have of controlling your cortisol levels and improving your fat loss efforts.
Quick note: If you’ve already tried different ways to get rid of stubborn stomach fat and you couldn’t achieve the result you desire? There is an alternative way to treat this problem – liposuction! One of the well known Australia’s cosmetic surgery specialists Dr. Daniel Lanzer, with over 20 years of experience, has successfully performed over 10 000 liposuction procedures, making thousands of people happier and more confident about their bodies.

I hope you found it useful. Feel free to share your own tips on how to lose stomach fat effectively in the comment’s section below.




10 Genius ways to hydrate your skin naturally
The weather, harsh soaps and cleansers, and simply having your bath or shower water too hot, can all add up to dry skin. You can, of course, combat dry skin with expensive moisturisers and body lotions, but why not hydrate your skin the natural way? Here are ten genius ways that you can hydrate your skin naturally. 1. Drink plenty of water
You’ve probably heard this one before, but it still has to get a mention on our list. The easiest way to hydrate your skin is to keep your body hydrated from the inside. It’s also good for your heart and your kidneys, so make sure you are getting your two litres of water a day.
2. Olive oil
Olive oil is brimming with the fatty acids and antioxidants that will help keep your skin hydrated and healthy. Try massaging some olive oil into your skin, before you shower or bath, and it will help to stop the warm water and soap drying your skin out.
3. Use only gentle, natural soap
Check the labels on your soaps and cleanser too. Avoid the chemical laden, harsh soaps, which will strip the natural oils from your skin, and chose those that contain only natural ingredients and moisturising agents like aloe vera instead.
4. Turn down the temperature on your baths and showers
Hot water will also strip the oils from your skin, so don’t spend too long in scalding hot showers or baths. The hot water might feel lovely and relaxing, but it’s not going to help you keep your skin hydrated at all.
5. Add avocado to your diet
What you eat will also affect the hydration of your skin. If you don’t already eat avocado, then try adding it to your diet. Avocado contains lots of healthy fats that will help hydrate your skin, but dunk bad cholesterol. Avocado makes an amazing natural hydrating face mask too; just mash up some avocado flesh in a bowl, add a teaspoon of avocado oil and apply to your face for five minutes before washing off with lukewarm water; it’s a wonderful, refreshing and nourishing face mask that is not only very easy to make, but is also very effective.
6. Use a humidifier
Putting a humidifier in your bedroom will also help to stop your skin from drying out. It will also help you sleep better and it’s good for your respiratory system too. Also, don’t have the central heating or the air conditioning on too high, as both these can dry out your skin.
7. Wonderful Honey
One of the best skin care products that Mother Nature gave us is raw, organic honey. It’s naturally hydrating and it also has anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties that will soothe irritation and fight infection. Apply honey to any particularly bad areas of dry skin and leave it on for about five minutes, before washing off again with lukewarm water. Repeat this daily, for a few days, and you will soon see the difference in your skin.
– Face mask for dry skin:
Here is another one of wonderful, natural and effective face masks with the use of honey for dry skin: mix one teaspoon of raw honey, one teaspoon of coconut oil (or/and avocado oil, sweet almond oil, rosehip oil, sesame seed oil, all of which are very nourishing and moisturizing) and half banana (or avocado), mashed; apply to your face for about five minutes and then, rinse. Your skin will feel soft, nourished and refreshed.
– Face masks for acne prone skin:
If you have acne prone skin, here is natural, facial treatment that will be convenient for you: mix one teaspoon of honey with one teaspoon of extra virgin olive oil (no worries, it won’t clog your pores), add one tablespoon of plain yogurt and 1/2 teaspoon of lemon juice (if your skin is sensitive, skip lemon juice). Mix well all the ingredients, apply to the skin for about five minutes and rinse off. Your skin will say ‘thank you’.
Another easy natural face mask for oily and acne prone skin is the mixture of honey and fresh mashed strawberries. Both strawberries and honey help neutralize bacteria and unclog pores. Honey will also help hydrate your skin and sooth irritation. Just mix two mashed strawberries with one teaspoon of honey and apply to your face for about five minutes. Rinse off and pat dry. Enjoy beautiful nourished and glowing skin!
8. Eat more pumpkin
Another superb food for hydrating your skin, from the inside, is pumpkin. Just by adding a small amount of pumpkin to your diet, you will be supplying your skin with more of the nourishment it needs to stay healthy and hydrated.
You can also use zinc rich pumpkin as a wonderful ingredient for natural face mask, here is how: mix one tablespoon of raw finely grated pumpkin with one egg white, one teaspoon of sweet almond oil and one teaspoon of tomato juice. Mix or blend well all the ingredients and apply to your face for about five minutes, before rinsing off. This mask will not only help hydrate and nourish your skin, but it will also help fight excess oil, as well as blemishes, and will help gently exfoliate your skin, thanks to natural enzymes that pumpkin and tomato juice contain.
9. Eat more fruit
Most fruit has high water content and it also has the vitamins and minerals that you and your skin need to stay healthy as well. Replace one of your current daily snacks with a piece of fresh fruit and your skin will look and feel a lot better for it.
10. Increase your omega-3 fatty acids
Omega-3 fatty acids provide the building blocks that your body uses to produce the oils on your skin. Add more salmon and oily fish to your diet and you’ll be doing your heart a favour, as well as improving the hydration of your skin.

How to fight cellulite naturally

 نتيجة بحث الصور عن ‪how to fight cellulite naturally‬‏
Cellulite seems to be one of those problems that plagues many women these days. Based on the number of times cellulite remedies appear in women’s magazines, websites, and blogs, I’m guessing that this is a problem we still haven’t solved.
Most sources agree that the dimpled appearance of cellulite occurs due to problems/imbalance in the connective tissue and fat in a person’s body, but there are many theories about what may cause this imbalance. It seems that hormones, diet, lifestyle and genetics all play a role but are not absolutes. While those who are overweight tend to have a higher chance of getting cellulite, many thin women complain of it as well.

How to Get Rid of Cellulite (Naturally)

Below are natural remedies I’ve either tried myself or had trusted sources recommend. They should all help balance the connective tissue/fat in the body and address the many possible causes. Either way, these things are beneficial for other reasons too so they are worth a try!

1. Dry Brushing

This is one remedy that there may not be any scientific evidence that it works but that there is a lot of anecdotal support for. Either way, it feels great and helps stimulate blood and lymph flow in the body. Here are some specifics from this article:
How often: Dry skin brushing effectively opens up the pores on your skin. This is something you can — and should — be doing daily, even twice a day. Your skin should be dry, so the ideal time is in the shower before you turn on the water. Just a reminder, don’t get the brush wet.
Direction: You should only brush towards the heart. Making long sweeps, avoid back and forth, scrubbing and circular motions. Start at your feet, moving up the legs on both sides, then work from the arms toward your chest. On your stomach, direct the brush counterclockwise. And, don’t brush too hard: Skin should be stimulated and invigorated but not irritated or red.
Type of brush: The bristles should be natural, not synthetic, and preferably vegetable-derived. The bristles themselves should be somewhat stiff, though not too hard. Look for one that has an attachable handle for hard-to-reach spots, if necessary.
Benefits: In addition to sloughing away dry skin on areas like knees, elbows and ankles, body brushing promotes tighter skin, cell renewal and blood flow. This also helps the lymphatic system release toxins and aids in digestion and kidney function. You’ll also notice a glowy, smooth complexion. We love it because it’s one of the easiest, cheapest and most effective things we can do for promoting healthy skin.”
It seems that a natural bristle semi-firm brush with a handle  is best and I keep mine in the shower to use daily right before showering. Here is a tutorial video that explains the specifics:

2. Consuming Gelatin

According to Nourishing Traditions and much of the information I’ve read from the Weston A. Price foundation, there are various health benefits to Gelatin, including:
  • Gelatin supports skin, hair and nail growth
  • It is good  for joints and can help joint recovery
  • Can help tighten loose skin (like the kind you get after having four babies in five years…)
  • Can improve digestion since it naturally binds to water and helps food move more easily though the digestive track
  • Rumored to help improve cellulite
  • Great source of dietary collagen (side note: collagen is too large to be absorbed by the skin, so those skin creams are pretty useless… get it internally and use coconut oil for lotion!)
  • Source of protein (though not a spectacular one) but its specific amino acids can help build muscle.
Gelatin is largely composed of the amino acids glycine and proline, which many people don’t consume in adequate amounts as they are found in the bones, fibrous tissues and organs of animals and as a population, we don’t consume these parts as much anymore. These amino acids are needed not only for proper skin, hair and nail growth, but for optimal immune function and weight regulation!
One theory is that the decline of gelatin containing foods in our diets has led to an increase in cellulite as we don’t have the needed building blocks for healthy connective tissue. Either way, it is another remedy that is good for other reasons and worth a try.
Here are 12 ways I use Gelatin.

3. Myofascial Massage

One theory is that cellulite forms in the superficial fascia, a layer of connective tissue below the skin that contains fat cells. Superficial fascia is fibrous and due to inactivity, injuries, and improper exercise, adhesions (scar tissue) in the fascia can form contributing to the bunched-up or rippled look of the skin. Not only does the superficial fascia become more fibrous, thickened and coarse, less flexible, but it can also adhere to underlying structures that it normally slides over.
Some therapists are able to perform a type of massage called myofascial massage or myofascial release, which smoothes this layer of connective tissue and can apparently also help with some types of muscle and joint problems that are related to imbalances in the fascia.
For those of us who don’t have access to regular massage, it seems that using a deep tissue foam roller (like this one) regularly can greatly help as well.

4. Coffee Scrub

Coffee scrubs can be beneficial in reducing cellulite as well. The massage and exfoliation benefits skin by stimulating blood/lymph flow and the caffeine in the coffee has a tightening effect. Pinterest is speckled with accounts of coffee scrubs and wraps working for reducing cellulite and loose skin, and like the other remedies, it is at least worth a try. If nothing else, coffee smells great and this scrub will exfoliate skin:
You will need:
  • 1/4 cup coffee grounds
  • 3 tablespoons sugar or brown sugar
  • 2-3 Tablespoons of melted coconut oil
What to do:
Combine the ingredients to create a paste-like consistency (note that it will harden if cooled if you are using unrefined coconut oil). Store in a glass jar.
To Use:
Massage in to skin for several minutes using firm pressure and wash as usual. Use 2-3 times a week. Results should be visible within a couple of weeks.

5. Kettlebells

Kettlebells are one of my favorite ways to workout and they are especially good for the hips/thighs/buttocks/stomach areas (don’t believe me? do one kettlebell workout and let me know how your thighs feel the next day!)
Increasing blood flow to these areas can help remove cellulite and kettlebells are one of the most effective ways to build muscle and burn fat (both which help minimize the appearance of cellulite)

6. Omega-3s

Another theory is that consumption of the wrong kinds of fats leads to an imbalance of the fatty acids that the body needs for smooth skin and tissue. There is some evidence that consuming enough Omega-3 fatty acids and fat soluble vitamins will help reduce cellulite over time. Either way, Omega-3s and fat soluble vitamins are important for many other functions in the body, so it won’t hurt to try it!
Personally, I take fermented cod liver oil daily for skin health (and for many other reasons).

7. Detox Baths

I love detox baths because they are relaxing, but yet another theory proclaims that toxin build-up in skin and fat tissues lead to cellulite. I couldn’t find any scientific evidence to back the toxin claim, but detox baths can be relaxing and great for the skin in other ways, so they are worth a try!
Here are three of my favorite detox bath recipes.

8. Moisturize Naturally

Just as detox baths may help remove toxins that can lead to skin problems (and maybe cellulite), constantly adding toxins back to the skin in the form of chemical-laden beauty products probably doesn’t help much! If you haven’t already, try using natural options for skin care and moisturizing. Simple coconut oil will work as an all-purpose moisturizer, but if you want to get a little more sophisticated, these are a few of my favorite recipes:
  • Perfect Silk Lotion Bars
  • 3-Ingredient Lotion Bars
  • Homemade Luxurious Lotion

9. Balance Hormones

It seems that many sources agree that hormones play a large part in cellulite formation (one reason that women typically get it and men don’t) and that working toward proper hormone balance can help reduce cellulite. Even if it doesn’t get rid of cellulite, balancing hormones helps in so many other ways that it is worth working on!

How to Squat More

Try these squats and lunges on your next leg day

When it comes to getting and staying fit, it's all about balance. That's especially important to remember with your exercise routine. If you're working out your chest and arms one day, you'll need to balance that out with a day for legs. Not only is the routine below a fun and quick way to work out your legs, it's also super easy to complete at home. Read on for all the fun!
Bodyweight Squat - 1 set / 30 reps
نتيجة بحث الصور عن ‪Bodyweight Squat‬‏
Bodyweight Walking Lunge - 1 set / 30 reps (weights and water views optional)
نتيجة بحث الصور عن ‪Bodyweight Walking Lunge‬‏
Chair Squat - 1 set / 30 reps
Jump Squat - 1 set / 30 reps
نتيجة بحث الصور عن ‪Jump Squat‬‏
Jumping Jacks - 1 set / 30 reps
نتيجة بحث الصور عن ‪Jumping Jacks‬‏

Front Kick Lunges - 1 set / 30 reps
نتيجة بحث الصور عن ‪Front Kick Lunges‬‏
Repeat this routine three times and combine with cardio to really work up a sweat!

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